By Alex Roberts

It’s been a long time coming, but the Passaby Collective has a gallery up and running in the heart of Kampala; and from a behind the scenes glimpse it is definitely worth a quick look (and perhaps even a purchase or three to make future dinner guests jealous of your immaculate taste).

The Happy Pumpkins Gallery is the brainchild of Lebon, a breakdancer, rapper and activist perhaps best known for efforts with group Kongoloko.

Now he’s spearheading a new effort, the catalyst of which is taking form in a house-turned-art show on Mawanda road, just around the corner from Acacia Mall in Kampala. It features work from several bright up and coming, as well as established artists, within the Kampala scene. There work is an eclectic mishmash that dots the walls in seemingly every corner, making the entirety of the house appear to be an active installation in itself.

The gallery is free to enter and will be running for the next few weeks, take a few minutes or hours to check out the works being showcased, these are voices from canvas that demand attention.

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