Ugandan Tanzanian dancer Dance Mamweta has had the privilege of dancing with so many prominent artists, from Vinka to Sheeba to Beenie Gunter, to name a few. She tells us about life as one of Uganda’s most respected dancers as she stamps her name as one of the fastest growing brands.
How did you fall in love with dance?
I must say dance chose me before I even knew how to walk. I chose it too, believed it, and made it my only best friend and strength.
How long have you been dancing?
I have been dancing since I can remember which is all my life, but professionally it’s been four years now.
Is dancing all you do?
No, am still at University. I’m pursuing a degree in accounting and finance (BBA) at Cavendish university, am also a part time entrepreneur working on personal projects.
What’s the average pay for a dancer? Are Ugandan dancers reaping big from the Dance life?
Dance Mamweta as a solo brand has its own particular payment average plan, other dancers have their own too but in general the with the Ugandan entertainment industry, many great talented dancers are still paid less amounts of money which I feel is very unfair to them especially considering the time and energy invested, then the punctuation on the dance moves created.
Where do you get your inspiration and who inspired you to join the dance life?
I get my inspiration from all the dancers I have worked with and other great dancers I always watch on social media, I always try my level best to pick a leaf from what they are doing right. I must say everything around me inspired to be in the Dance life, because dance is a feeling you get and express it to the people. Also, every situation around me gets to inspire me in a particular way.
What has been the highlight of your dance career so far?
Every work I have done that has been a success in my dance journey has been a highlight, from Omwooyo concert to RVC dance production.
Do you have a style of dance you identify more with, say a genre?
Am a versatile dancer, I don’t identify with a specific genre per se but there are times when I choose to do a particular dance style for a certain period of time, something that may get some people to identify me with certain genres. I love the independence not identifying with any specific genre gives me.

What does your typical week look like?
I wake up early morning, pray, then my manager and I go to search for more opportunities in both our careers then on weekends I do my personal dance rehearsals.
Having a big social media presence has become a necessity for dancers and choreographers. How do you navigate that?
Well social media is the only easy platform where dancers can share their work and express their talent to the rest of the world. With social media, the world is indeed our platform so the question is how do we use social media to promote and create awareness through dance, in ur society. Because what we do has to have a positive impact at the end of the day and that’s to both the dancers and the fans out there.