By Alex Roberts

Crazy times call for shifts in thinking. As the EA Scene likes to point out; the East African creative sector is desperately underrated- and a major contributing factor is the lack of purchasing of what creatives produce.

Now is the time to change that. The coronavirus is going to impact the income of thousands within the industry for weeks, and quite frankly, probably months. Art galleries will be closed, concerts cancelled and productions shut down.

Drastic times call for different measures. If you enjoy the work of an artist- it is time to put your money where your wallet is (this is especially true if you have some disposable cashish and/or are being made to work from home, thusly not curbing your income).

You can’t go to bars anyway. Take some of that liquor money and finally pull the trigger on supporting your local artists.

Seen them in a concert several times? Buy the album. If you want the vinyl edition- buy it; then wait a few months. The tracks will still be dope when they get there.

Think a piece is amazing? You’re right; and if you’ve seen it, that item of locally made clothing or art will still look cool as fuck when it is delivered in three or four months. This is not the time to buy big international things- don’t spend your money on a Rihanna album- she’ll be fine; but some local artists might not be if they don’t get your support immediately.

The times of the world are calling on everyone to help everyone; and if you’re currently YouTubing a track that you’ve definitely gotten laid to- buy the fucking track already.

Help East African creatives right now; it’ll make that reunion show all that much sweeter in July.

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