By Charles Muhumuza
“Tuli Waweelu, tuli outside!”
The slogan on many people’s lips as East Africa’s party capital, Kampala, reopened the night life, finally ending a 2 year curfew.
Since April 2020 when all bars were closed on presidential directive, last Sunday 23rd of January marked a new page for Kampala’s night life when the directive to let them open was implemented.
What makes a good party? Easy. Good drinks, good music, good company. What makes a great party? Great, as in mad, legendary, one of a kind?
The revelers not worried about curfew and roadblocks anymore, shouts of happy new year ringing around, complete with fireworks lighting up the city nightscape.
From John Babiha Avenue to Bandali Rise, Kampala’s famous night scene has never been more alive, bars overflowing with drinks and crowds, random shouts of tuli waweelu tearing through the music. This also sees the return of theme nights with events gurus like Muchochos bouncing back with Tequila Tuesdays at Cask and Siesta Nite at H20.
We bring to you some images from the one of a kind night, to relive and to take in.