By Florence K. Kyohangirwe

You’ve probably seen her scurrying up and down in front of, behind, and onto the stages of whatever Nairobi concert you’ve attended for the last several years, camera always in hand.

That’s because Lizzie Farida has been holding down the scene of music photography for the better part of recent memory. Even if you’ve been at a wedding, seen some incredible shots of real estate around the Nairobi area- chances are you’ve seen her work.

Her work manages to capture the rare air of musicians; elevating their performances and music to a level practically unforeseen- finding moments in live events that can rarely if ever be put to film- and in Kenya’s drastically under rated musical sphere, she’s keeping a record before the inevitable boom.

On top of her work as a photographer she’s been actively covering the arts scene through her written work and has been featured on multiple occasions in publications such as OkayAfrica. She’s also expanded her creative endeavors to graphic design projects.

So- when all of this COVID-19 trouble blows over; and you (concert organizers/musicians/wedding perfectionists) need it to look incredible- look no further than the talented lens of Lizzie Farida.

Here’s some links to her work and contact information below:

Instagram:  @lizziefaridaphotography

Facebook: Lizzie Farida

Twitter: @LizzieFarida

Mobile: +254727128546

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